Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate | South Africa - Stellenbosch

Farm 256 Groenberg , Bovlei Road, 7655 惠靈頓, 南非

➤ Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate | Stellenbosch

預訂Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate可享 Genius 折扣!只要登入,預訂此住宿即可省一筆。

Nestled in the heart of the Winelands, Val du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate (VDC) is a tranquil escape on a working vineyard, just 10 minutes from Wellington and less than an hour's drive from Cape Town.

VDC offers 4-star accommodations, two inviting restaurants, and a slice of South African winemaking culture. The 42-hectare estate boasts vineyards, olive groves, and a 400-ton cellar producing exquisite wines.

The Guest House features nineteen spacious rooms fitted with Queen Size beds or Twin Beds, en-suite bathrooms with shower and stunning views of vineyards, garden or Hawekwa Mountains. A delicious breakfast with à la carte options is included.

For adventure, you can explore the Wild Boar Trails by hiking or biking, starting from Pizza Vista. If the trails aren't for you, grab a book and a glass of something cold and relax next to our pool. Dive in and cool down on those hot summer days.

Wine enthusiasts can pop into our wine tasting room and book a tasting session with one of our knowledgeable staff members. Take a stroll through the cellar and find out how our delicious wines are made.

Add to that, the estate's rich traditions and modern-day comforts provide an ideal backdrop to make unforgettable memories in the heart of the Winelands.

Val du Charron: where you can unwind, dine, stay in countryside comfort, and create cherished moments while enjoying a range of leisure activities.

Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate 的房间选择

Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate 的服務

網路 住宿全館提供WiFi免費。
停車場 不需預約:住宿場所設有私人停車設施(免費)。
衛浴 衛生紙, 毛巾, 浴缸或淋浴, 私人衛浴, 廁所, 免費盥洗用品, 吹風機, 淋浴間
臥室 床單, 衣櫃或衣櫥
景色 景觀
戶外 野餐區, 室外傢俱, 陽光露台, 露台, 花園
廚房 電熱水壺
客房設施 床邊插座
活動設施 自行車, 健行 另外收費, 兒童遊戲區
客廳 書桌
多媒體/科技 線上串流影音服務(如 Netflix), 平面電視, 電視
餐飲服務 水果, 酒/香檳 另外收費, 兒童餐 另外收費, 特殊飲食菜單(隨需提供), 酒吧, 餐廳, 茶/咖啡沖泡設備
停車場 不需預約:住宿場所設有私人停車設施(免費)。, 無障礙停車
迎賓接待服務 可提供發票, 私人入住/退房手續, 旅遊諮詢台, 快速入住/退房手續
娛樂及家庭服務 兒童戶外遊樂設施, 桌上遊戲/拼圖, 嬰兒/兒童照護服務 另外收費
清潔服務 每日清潔服務, 熨燙服務 另外收費, 洗衣 另外收費
商務設施 傳真/複印 另外收費, 會議/宴會設施 另外收費
安全 滅火器, 鑰匙進出, 保險箱
綜合設施 公共休息區/電視區, 吸菸區, 空調, 全面禁菸, 喚醒服務, 暖氣, 私人入口, 地毯, 家庭房, 燙衣設備, 禁菸客房, 熨斗
無障礙設施 高樓層(只有樓梯)
室外游泳池免費! 開放時間, 全年開放, 景觀泳池, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 泳池遮雨棚, 海灘椅/躺椅
養生會館 遮陽傘, 海灘椅/躺椅
使用的語言 南非語, 英語

Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate 酒店條件

入住時間 14:00 至 17:00
退房時間 7:00 至 11:00
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡不限 此住宿無入住年齡限制
接受的付款方式 不接受現金付款 Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate接受上列信用卡並有權於抵達前暫時保留部分款項。
吸菸政策 禁止吸菸
派對 禁止舉行派對/活動
須放低音量的時段 住客必須在 23:00~19:00 放低音量
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。



請提前告知Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。


23:00:00~19:00:00 必須放低音量


What is the average price to stay at Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate?

The average price is 87 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.


Hi there is your spa facilities closed?

Our Spa is open, we require advance bookings for appointments.

Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate 100% 真实评论


旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate,您会强调什么
Beautiful views
We stayed as party of 10 split between the guest house (this review) and the coach house. Rooms were great, comfortable and clean, breakfast and food in restaurants were good.
Food was a bit slow, but the views while waiting were lovely.
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate,您会强调什么
We found a gem in Wellington to celebrate our 20th anniversary.
It was our 20th wedding anniversary and we are super happy that we chose such a beautiful location to spend the night.
At check out, we informed the staff that our bed was not that comfortable.
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate,您会强调什么
Furst of all I had to wait for reception, the facilities are overrated
The bed was very comfortable with very clean Linnen, there is not very much more that I liked about the place
On arrival I had had to ask a waiter where reception is, then waiting ten minutes for someone to help me. With loadshedding the place did not even have a standby generated to keep air-conditioners running, it was35 degrees centigrade.
旅行的目的: 休闲之旅
关于Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate,您会强调什么
Location is great, dinner at the restaurant is nice and offers amazing views over the mountains. Staff is friendly and helpful. It's peaceful, no noise.
The pool area is neglected, not as shown in the pictures, It was very green and warm. The room was clean, but smelled a bit odd - not pleasant. But nothing too bad. Saw in the booklet that pets were allowed in these rooms, might have been from previous pets that stayed in the room? We were not too bothered by it, but could be improved for future guests.

Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate 附近


Breytenbach Sentrum Breytenbach Sentrum
3.6 km
Wellington Golf Club Wellington Golf Club
5.1 km
Limietberg Nature Reserve Limietberg Nature Reserve
6.9 km
Die Vonds Snake Park Die Vonds Snake Park
8.8 km
Nederburg Wines Nederburg Wines
10.3 km
Mediclinic Paarl Mediclinic Paarl
11.7 km
Old Rembrandt Shopping Mall Old Rembrandt Shopping Mall
12.5 km
Hout Street Gallery Hout Street Gallery
13.7 km
Paarl Mountain Local Nature Reserve Paarl Mountain Local Nature Reserve
14.5 km
Boschenmeer Golf Course Boschenmeer Golf Course
15.9 km


Frater Square Shopping Centre Frater Square Shopping Centre
16.1 km
KWV Cellar KWV Cellar
16.1 km
Boschenmeer Golf Estate Boschenmeer Golf Estate
16.2 km
Paarl Mall Paarl Mall
16.3 km
Fairview Winery & Cheese Fairview Winery & Cheese
19 km

Connections & Popular Places of interest


Supermarket Spar Supermarket
23.5 km
Cape Town International Airport Cape Town International Airport
55.8 km

  • 电话及联系方式
    Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate +27 21 873 1256



- Val Du Charron Wine & Leisure Estate -

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